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I'm the spokesperson for "Eosinophils"

Eosinophils are born in the bone marrow and travel in the bloodstream.
We do our work in different places in your body.
We can be shed, slip through, talk, explode, die....

Although we are sometimes disliked as the cause of allergies, we are trying to do our job in the right place every day.
I support these hardworking and industrious eosinophils.

How EOSMAN was born

I want to promote the research of eosinophils... I want everyone to know more about eosinophils...

EOSMAN was born from such feelings.

ROI G-M x100 15min-2.tif

1. A real EOSMAN

Eosinophils photographed under a microscope. Don't they look like faces?
This was the gateway to imagination.

Slide 1.png

2. Character drafts

This is a first idea.
Various variations are under consideration.

Slide 2.png

3. Determination of details

It looks like you stuck to the design of the granules in the head.

Slide 3.png

4. ​Birth of the first EOSMAN

Simple and easy to understand!
The four actions show how eosinophils work.

Slide 4.png

5. Birth of the second EOSMAN

Deformed and with more action patterns!
These are the basic variations that also appear on the LINE stickers.

Do you understand a little about EOSMAN?
The EOSMAN, born in this way, is active here and there!

EOSMAN and Colleagues

From left

LYMPHOMAN = Lymphocyte

MONOMAN = Monocyte

EOSMAN = Eosinophil 

BASOMAN = Basophil

NEUTMAN = Neutrophil

We're doing our best to protect your bodies!


I will answer your questions. Questions are always welcome.

What creature is EOSMAN?

EOSMAN is an eosinophil fairy...?
I never thought about it... I press the unshakable fact that EOSMAN was born to let everyone know about eosinophils!

Tell me your height and weight.

Good question, it's 10-15 microns, invisible to your eyes.

My weight is a secret 🤐

Is it true that allergies are EOSMAN's fault?
That's terrible!


We hope that through this website you will learn more about how eosinophils work in the body.

How do I meet you?

It's hard to meet you in real life,

but I'm always here in your bodies❤️

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